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The bitumen plant also utilizes a modern PLC control system which enables operators for adjustment of process parameters for better approach to the final desired characteristics. Final products are stored in suitable bitumen tanks and will be waiting to be sent to drum filling unit or truck loading arms.

Neutralization of pollutant gases which are generated due to the nature of the blowing process is done through plant’s incinerator with real time monitoring to respect environmental rules and reduce air pollution

Regarding the blowing process which is used in the cases that the entering feed has lower viscosity than the specified amount, production plant of Hormozan Oil is consisted of two parallel trains with a total capacity around 2000 tons/day for production of different paving and roofing bitumen grades according to the customer’s demands. Each train includes feed and product storage tanks, transfer pumps, blowing towers, air compressors, knock-out drums , heating equipment and all of the required utilities for the process.

Depends on the characteristics of the vacuum bottom feed and the required product specifications, we may use two different procedures for production in our plant:

Blending process using vacuum slops
Blowing of air into vacuum bottom feed in blowing reactors
The technology of blending the vacuum slops obtained in refinery distillation tower with vacuum bottom feed is one of the ways to achieve the bitumen properties such as softening point and penetration to figures which meet specific standards, especially when the entering feed has higher viscosities. Required equipment of this process includes feed and product storage tanks , in-line mixer , transfer pumps and heating equipme

Factory: Next to Bandar Abbas Oil Refinery, Hormzan St

Export terminal: Bandar Abbas, Shahid Rajaei port complex

Central Office: No. 41, Khordmand South St., Tehran
98 21 ( 52 707 )



The bitumen plant also utilizes a modern PLC control system which enables operators for adjustment of process parameters for better approach to the final desired characteristics. Final products are stored in suitable bitumen tanks and will be waiting to be sent to drum filling unit or truck loading arms.

Neutralization of pollutant gases which are generated due to the nature of the blowing process is done through plant’s incinerator with real time monitoring to respect environmental rules and reduce air pollution

Regarding the blowing process which is used in the cases that the entering feed has lower viscosity than the specified amount, production plant of Hormozan Oil is consisted of two parallel trains with a total capacity around 2000 tons/day for production of different paving and roofing bitumen grades according to the customer’s demands. Each train includes feed and product storage tanks, transfer pumps, blowing towers, air compressors, knock-out drums , heating equipment and all of the required utilities for the process.

Depends on the characteristics of the vacuum bottom feed and the required product specifications, we may use two different procedures for production in our plant:

Blending process using vacuum slops
Blowing of air into vacuum bottom feed in blowing reactors
The technology of blending the vacuum slops obtained in refinery distillation tower with vacuum bottom feed is one of the ways to achieve the bitumen properties such as softening point and penetration to figures which meet specific standards, especially when the entering feed has higher viscosities. Required equipment of this process includes feed and product storage tanks , in-line mixer , transfer pumps and heating equipme.